Monday, October 28, 2013

Eleven Products in My Powder Room

This list is for all you ladies out there who are interested in finding a new product to pamper yourself with in the powder room.  Mind you, I am no beautician nor do I desire to spend long hours in the lady's room getting done up for the day (although, my husband would beg to differ).  I've never really figured out how to do my hair (the curling iron is not my friend) and I never really know what color eye shadow goes on what part of the lid (is it light to dark or dark to light?) Nonetheless, I've always sought out products that will add simplicity and ease to my morning routine, as well as fit my budget. Here are a few of the ones I've found:

1. Conair hair dryer- First off, I recommend you don't skimp when it comes to buying a hair dryer. (When I say don't skimp, I mean don't spend less than 20 bucks). Find yourself a hairdryer that's ionic, ceramic, high watts, and with a cool button (as in, not hot). I have enjoyed this one from Target.  A good hair dryer can take 10 or more minutes off of your stylin' time. Oh, and use your diffuser! It really does make a difference in the texture of your hair :)
2. Jumbo boar hair brush- I've seriously tried every type of brush, but the bristles from a boar are definitely best! Boar bristle brushes (say that 10x fast) are easier on your hair and redistribute the oils to create better shine. The bigger the brush the straighter you can get your locks. The one pictured below is actually enormous- I think I found it at Ulta some time ago and it has been worth every penny! 
3. Wide-toothed comb-This comb from Target or Walmart is great for detangling wet hair without hurting your head.

 4. Bath and Body Works Shampoo and Conditioner- I can't say enough good things about this line of shampoo and conditioner from B&BW. I've been using it for several years now after trying multiple non-expensive and expensive products. The Mango Mandarin and Coconut Lime are my favorite and smell simply a-ma-zing. They have a buy 3 get 3 free sale going on now so I usually stock up for the year! 

5. Precision Perfect- Err..I'm not going to discuss this item in detail, but you can find out more about it here and if you don't have one, I suggest you go get one. Like now :)
6. Babylips- There's lipstick, lip gloss, lip shimmer, lip liner, lip this, lip that. I really can't stand the way most of the stuff feels on my lips. I was happy to find this colorful chapstick-type-lip-wear from Target the other day. Oh, and your hair won't get stuck in it!
7. Eyeliner stick- So, this is really an eye shadow stick, but I actually use the darker part for eyeliner when I'm feelin' fancy. It does the job without tugging on my lids-uck, I hate that. 
8. Purifying Face Cleanser- Not only is this face cleanser paraben-free, but it smells sooo  wonderful! There are several other types to choose from in this line, but I like this one because of how fresh it makes my skin feel. My husband and I have switched from face washes that contain harsh chemicals to this more natural kind and we have really seen a difference in our skin. 

 9. Eye Makeup Remover Pads- Have you ever used an eye makeup remover that left you with temporary cataracts? These ultra-soft pads won't blur your vision or cause you to over-scrub. You wanna know a secret? I reuse each pad 3-4 times so that the container lasts me several months. Maybe I can do this because I don't wear a ton of eye makeup, but I definitely get my money's worth out of this purchase!

10. Anti-Humidity Smoothing Milk- My hair is naturally frizzy, wavy, and out of control, so as you can imagine, I have tried my share of gels, creams, and mousses to tame these wild tresses. Surprisingly, this smoothing milk by Fructis Style has worked better for me than most of the shamefully expensive ones I have purchased. Add a nickel-sized amount to your wet hair and see for yourself!

11. Dove Dry Shampoo- According to my hair dresser, this brand of dry shampoo is NOT good, but since I use it so sparingly, I figure it is okay..?  I've tried other kinds, but this one works so well I try to keep a bottle on hand for those dire moments when I haven't had time to wash my hair and have to be out the door for church in 10 minutes. Aside from the overwhelmingly strong smell (not bad, just extremely strong, in my opinion) I enjoy it for covering up my blonde hair grease streaks. 

Alright, I hope some of these ideas are helpful to you in your possible product decision-making process. While it's fun to be a girl and play around with our hair-do's and make-up, may we always remember that "beauty is fleeting, but a woman that fears the Lord is to be praised" Prov. 31:30. Praying this for my female readers it 1 or 5 of you, hehe:)


ps. Got any favorite beauty products you would like to share? Comment here and let me know something worth trying!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Two Things Concerning Miscarriage

 Grave for Baby Blue
1. In August of 2012, I had my first miscarriage. I was 12 weeks along. As with most early miscarriages, the cause was never quite clear. We had hoped to leave our first ultrasound appointment in giddy anticipation; instead, we left in shock and sadness. Jared and I wrestled with the truth that God is sovereign and in control over every detail of our lives.  Eventually, wrestling brought rest and we found great comfort in the Lord's promises. We learned to give thanks even in the stormWhat a loving and compassionate God we serve! 
I found myself pregnant again in late October and this time, the ultrasound screen showed a perfectly formed little baby- our precious baby we lovingly called "Blue". However, Blue's tiny flickering heartbeat could not be found and in January of 2013, I miscarried our second little one. Once again, Jared and I grieved our loss and disappointment...we leaned on each other and the Lord.  Once again, His faithfulness sustained and carried us. 
After my last miscarriage, my mom and I began researching possible causes and treatment (most clinical testing does not begin until after a person has had three miscarriages). Our research brought us to this website. I started using Dr. John Lee's progesterone which I believe has played an instrumental role in the stability of my 3rd pregnancy.  Ultimately, it is only God who determines the beginning and end of every life...He is sovereign; we trust our baby to His care! He is worthy of our trust.

2. If you are going through a miscarriage or if you know someone that is facing a miscarriage, I would love to be in touch with you. The death of an unborn baby can be  difficult to process. Many couples struggle to know how to handle the loss because while they never really "knew" the little person growing within, there is a deep and unique grief over never getting chance to know the little person within. All the excited planning, dreaming, and gathering information on everything pregnancy-related suddenly comes to an abrupt end. The overwhelming joy one has from carrying life within her is snuffed out when she is faced with the hard truth that she is now carrying the dismal opposite.  Many women need surgery or medication. Others wait weeks for their body to trigger the miscarriage naturally. Furthermore, they are faced with the daunting question: "Will I ever be able to bear a child?"   

I would love to offer support, extend a listening ear, or help provide answers to questions you may have concerning the miscarriage process. Obviously, my knowledge is limited to my own personal experience, but sometimes, it helps to just know that you are not aloneMost important,  I want to comfort you with the comfort I have received through Christ (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).  There are a few small gifts I would like to send you so please include an address in your message. You can send your message to 

                     "Open my Hands" by Sara Groves ministered to me throughout my miscarriages 

He is faithful, ya'll...

Friday, October 18, 2013

One Surprise Announcement: It's A...

Trying to stay calm, cool, and collected...

We both were expecting to see a certain color...

....we were both completely SURPRISED!

Our little munchkin is a...

Can't wait to meet our Little Princess!

Monday, October 14, 2013

GL: 19 Natural Cleaning Tips!

Today's Guest List (GL) post comes from Katie over at Wellness MamaI just discovered her blog the other day (thanks mom) and have had fun perusing through all the fun topics!
Katie is a home school mom of five, an adoring wife, and a doula in her spare time. Her blog contains tons of information on natural living, DIY projects, gardening tips and a whole lot more! 

The following list has some great tips for cleaning your house...naturally, of course!  
So without further ado, here is the Wellness Mama!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Five Effective Ways to Lose Weight

1. GET EDUCATEDIn recent years, there have been many documentaries created on food and nutrition in order to inform the public and raise awareness. A few that have been helpful to me in my own journey towards a healthier lifestyle are Hungry for Change (see trailer below), Fat, Sick & Nearly DeadFood Matters (see trailer below), and Food Fight (actually, I have not seen this one, but it looks good). With knowledge can come the motivation to break free from poor eating habits and avoid foods that are toxic to your body. Once you decide what information you feel is important to apply to your own food choices, start making it happen one step at a time. Don't get overwhelmed by feeling like you have to change everything all at once. You might begin by switching your regular eggs to the cage-free kind and ditching the Crystal Light in your cabinet for some Tru Lemon.  Whatever it may be, changing something is better than changing nothing! (Please note that I do not agree with everything stated in the documentaries)

2. GET STEVIA- In other words, get off sugar and all other harmful sweeteners, such as aspartame, splenda, and nutrasweet. There are countless studies that prove these chemicals are dangerous to your health and overall ability to function. Remember, sugar is not just in candy and cake, but hidden in white breads, white pasta, and packaged snacks. High fructose corn syrup = sugar. Low fat = high sugar. As previously stated, educate yourself on sugar and sweeteners and discover healthier substitutes. In the Decker household, we use stevia to create chocolatey concoctions and coffee coolatta's; sweeten strawberry smoothies and yummy Greek yogurts; (ok, you get the point). Addicted to soda? Try these stevia-sweetened alternatives. 
On a side note, watch out for temptress Pintrest! Scrolling through dozens of pictures of delectable desserts will not only make your mouth water, but send you straight to the kitchen in the name of "creativity". It's fine to have a little fun baking every now and then, but if you find that sugary Pintrest treats are daily sabotaging you, just stay away from the site :).
 *Be the first person to share the link to this blog post on your facebook page and send  me an email saying that you did and I will send you 50 packets of my favorite stevia! 
*1 winner only--offer only valid to those within the 48 US states
3. GET MOVING- This is a pretty obvious one, right? Your body was not created to live a sedentary life! There are so many benefits of exercising in addition to weight loss that it deserves it's own separate post. You may find it difficult to get into a routine at first, but the endorphin's your body produces from a good, sweat-breaking workout will keep you coming back for more!  Don't stress about joining a gym or paying a personal trainer. While these are definitely beneficial, there are plenty of things you can do without paying a dime. Of course walking and running are the obvious free options, but if you can't leave your house because of kiddos, order a fitness dvd (Cathy Friedrich is my favorite) or check out websites such as Fitness Blender that provide great home workouts for females from start to finish. Here is a workout routine that I did with my Boot Camp ladies last week. No equipment required :)

My Real Breakfast 
Whole, natural, clean, real; however you want to put it, these are the words that should describe the bulk of your diet. Look high and low when you are shopping the grocery aisles, as this is where the healthier items tend to be found. As a rule of thumb, stick mainly to the perimeter of the store where fruits, veggies, meat, and eggs are located. Now I know the first thing that comes to most of our minds when we see the italicized words above is the dollar sign. While all-natural, organic items do tend to be a bit pricier, my man and I try to focus on three motivating factors when we grocery shop: 1. Eating nutritious foods will keep us healthy, therefore cutting down on the cost of medicine and doctor visits both now and as we age 2. Eating nutritious foods will sustain us longer, while processed meals and snack foods are empty calories and make us want more (they are meant to be addictive) 3. There are some foods that have a higher pesticide-residue than others. There are some foods that we eat on a regular basis and in larger quantities than others. Let's focus on going clean with those foods first.  
Lastly, if you have a smart phone, download the Fooducate app. to help you "make better choices at the supermarket"!

5. GET ACCOUNTABILITY- Growing up, my mom and I helped each other make wise food choices; in college, my roommate and I encouraged each other to avoid the "freshman 15", and as a married woman, my husband is my nutrition teammate! He won't let me bring home frosted miniwheats, marshmallow whip, or brownie mix from the store and I must admit, I am thankful that he doesn't!  (I don't buy cheese puffs, pizza rolls, or hungry man meals for him, and I'm pretty sure he appreciates it too, but I'll let him speak for himself:) The whole point is, we keep each other on track and accountable to our lifestyle goals. Does this mean that when we go out to eat we stick to a grilled chicken salad, hold the cheese, with a side of edamame? No, we do splurge on occasion and enjoy Olive Garden's bread sticks  Red Robin's fried egg burgers, and Sweet Frog's candy bar toppings (as long as we put a strawberry on top). However, this is not the norm. We both strive to keep our home a haven from junk food and our overall diet a healthy one. It would be a lot harder for me to stick to my goals without my handsome accountability partner (i.e. Jared)! I hope you have someone in your life that can help you stay on track. 

Take care of your bodies, ya'll!

Fourteen Feel Fantastic Drills

Every Thursday morning, I get to teach a Boot Camp class to a small group of awesome military wives. Last week we did the Feel Fantastic 14 routine, which consists of 14 drills that you complete as quickly and efficiently as you can for 3-5 rounds (we did other stuff before and after to fill up the hour). I suggest taking a mat and going outdoors for this workout, but you could stay inside and just go outside for drill #14 :)

Exercising outside is pure bliss ;)
1. Jumping Jacks- 32
2. Hover- 30 seconds
3. High Knees- 16
4. Squat Jumps- 8
5. Sit ups- 16
6. Push ups- 8
7. Squat Thrusts- 8
8. Bikes- 16
9. Hover- 30 seconds
10. Squat Jumps- 8
11. Scissor Jacks- 32
12. Push ups- 8
13. Butt Kicks- 24
14. Sprint!- 1 lap (around the track, your house, or down your long driveway)

*rest 1-2min and repeat the 14 Drills 3-5x

Get movin' and feel fantastic, ya'll!