"...gratitude truly is the foremost quality of a believing disciple precisely because gratitude is what births trust...the true belief." a.v.
Voskamp challenges her readers to start keeping a journal of all the gifts in their lives, as a way to slow down the busyness and acknowledge the Giver. You've most likely been asked at one point in your life to name ten things you're thankful for, right? If you would have asked me that question a year ago, my list would have consisted of general subjects (Parents, Husband, God, Food, Clothes, House) and I would have probably struggled to think of any more over ten. While a broad list like this is obviously not wrong, it didn't inquire me to "stop and smell the roses" so to speak. I needed to train my eyes to see the beauty hidden in the mundane; the little moments that rushed by in a full day.
"Gratitude for the seemingly insignificant--a seed--this plants the giant miracle. Do not disdain the small." -a.v.
Anne's challenge to record 1000 gifts encouraged me to become more detailed and descriptive in my thanksgiving. I had to focus my attention on the seemingly "small"; things that before I would have thought of as insignificant. It seemed a bit child-like at first..you know, thanking God for blue hydrangeas, a spider weaving it's web and a sweet crunchy apple, but I began to realize that these were things that brought me delight when I paused long enough in my day to notice them. Beyond that, I began to recognize them as ways my Father was lavishing his love on me.
"I pay tribute to God by paying attention."-a.v.
Furthermore, my natural inclination is to worry and fret over things, but it's pretty hard to complain and give thanks simultaneously...
"Every breath's a battle between grudgery and gratitude and we must keep thanks on the lips so we can sip from the holy grail of joy."-a.v.
Voskamp speaks to the suffering heart through words that are poetically and sincerely scripted. She encourages her readers to accept whatever God gives them with open hands and breathe out 'thanks' not only for the beautiful things, but the ugly, as well.
"God is in the details; God is in the moment. God is in all that blurs by in a life---even hurts in a life." -a.v.
It's not that we need to adopt a Pollyanna attitude when calamity comes our way. It's not that we need to put on a fake smile, pretending all is well during the times that all is not right in our world. Rather, in the valley's and storms of life we are to focus our blurry-eyed vision on the Rock--the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is sovereign...He is a Comforter....He has a rich inheritance stored up for those who trust in Him...He won't leave us or forsake us...He is our refuge and strength. It is for these things that we can and should utter thanks. Let me show you a real-life example.
"To know how we can count on God, we count graces, but ultimately there is really only One."-a.v.
Around this time of year, most people try to be more intentional about having a grateful attitude. Some give thanks in order to generate a happy demeanor and optimistic outlook on life. Others strive to think positive thoughts in order to attain an inner calm. As Christians, our thanksgiving should magnify our Creator--the Sustainer of life itself! May we not simply vocalize our gratitude for the sake of the holiday, but may we purposefully direct our thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow.
"Every time you feel in God's creatures something pleasing and attractive, do not let your attention be arrested by them alone, but, passing them by, transfer your thought to God and say: 'O my God, if Thy creations are so full of beauty, delight, and joy, how infinitely more full of beauty, delight, and joy art Though Thyself, Creator of all! -Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain
As we focus on all of our many blessings this Thanksgiving, I pray that they would direct our attention to the great and mighty Gift-Giver and cause us to glorify and praise His name. "Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you." (1 Samuel 12:24, ESV)
As we focus on all of our many blessings this Thanksgiving, I pray that they would direct our attention to the great and mighty Gift-Giver and cause us to glorify and praise His name. "Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things He has done for you." (1 Samuel 12:24, ESV)
25 Gifts from My Gratitude List:
2. Surprise reservations to a bed and breakfast
3. Staying calm during bloodwork
4. Sprinting up a hill and feeling good at the top
5. Scripture, framed and hung on walls
6. Dancing in the kitchen with socks on
7. A Savior who endured the cross
8. Jack & Oakley's smiling faces peering from the window
9. Hot coffee and cozy bathrobe on chilly mornings
10. Reading the Bible with Jared
11. Music that magnifies the Lord and His promises
12. Fresh cucumber from the Calvary Baptist garden
13. Flirting with my husband at the gym
14. The sound of birds chirping in the morning
15. Date night to Sweet Frog
17. Running stadium bleachers
18. The opportunity to carry a life
19. Hymns turned up loud in the kitchen
20. Waking up beside my best friend
21. Overcoming public speaking fear
22. Prince of Peace to rest in
23. Masculine husband
24. Reminders of Truth
25. New mercies in the morning
Happy Thanksgiving!